Monday, May 1, 2017

Day 1 (5-1-17)

Today was the first day of senior project. Eamonn and I met with Scott Allenby at 9:00 am in his office and we started talking about the big picture of our project. We talked about Proctor's marketing and communication strategies and who our main audiences will be. After this, we set up a Trello account. Trello is an online planner where you can put in all of your projects and you can organize them by category. Our three main categories are Communication/Marketing, Alumni, and Athletics.
Some of the projects that we are going to tackle are writing a spotlight on the softball team, each writing a piece for the website, helping out on gamedays (either by doing the clock, live tweeting games, setting up, etc.), and we hope to end our project with the Alumni games as a big event. At 10:00 am, Scott had to go to assembly, so Eamonn and I talked to Chloe Duchesne who is the head of the alumni association. We talked about more potential project ideas. When Scott got back from assembly, we went to the communications team meeting. The communications team has their own Trello and they basically go over it and plan out what they are going to put out for the week. We came out of the meeting with another project idea. They were hoping to get a piece in the alumni magazine of memories of the class of 2017, so Eamonn and I walked around campus looking for our fellow classmates to interview. At 11:00 we left the office for lunch and we would meet with Scott and Gregor at 2:00. At 2:00, we met in the athletic function room, but Gregor got stuck in meetings so Scott got us signed up on Hubspot which is how we manage our social media accounts. Since it was a game day, we posted the schedule and the livestream link to the lax game. We met in the afternoon for an hour bringing our total hours for the day to 3. I finished my day at the lacrosse game tweeting out the scores after every quarter. It was a good first day and I am looking forward to continue working with Scott and Eamonn.

Hours Today: 3
Total Hours: 3

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